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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) | Cultures of Denpasar

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)
Garuda Wisnu Kencana or better known as the GWK is a statue of the god Vishnu and Garuda bird that stands on the hill Ungasan, Jimbaran. Sculptures made ​​by a former student named Nyoman Nuarta ITB is planned to reach 145 meters high, beat high statue of liberty, New York and plans to become the world's tallest monument.

But until now the manufacture of this particular statue of Garuda statues are still not implemented because of cost issues hampered. The location of the statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana is located in a limestone hill with a height of 300 meters above sea level will then become landmarks that welcomes anyone when he stepped on his foot on the island of Bali.

Because some of the constraints of building the statue was a little choked up. Since built in 1997, up to the present condition of the new statue completed 15 percent of Head of statue of Lord Vishnu and Garuda. In complex areas, there were already exhibition center, restaurant, lotus pond, dioramas, Giri Kencana Villa, amphitheater, and trade and promotion center. A concert arena built in the middle of the cliff - the towering limestone cliffs. The cliffs are made ​​of a hill in pieces.

How to Get There :
The road to the area GWK is the same path with a path of good Uluwatu area to see the sunset or watch a Kecak Dance performance. In route tour in Bali, GWK is one place that was visited prior to the Dreamland and Uluwatu. No transport to access here, so you can rent a taxi, or if you want cheaper to rent a car or motorbike.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)


Mbak Erna said...

sudah pernah kesana

Unknown said...

GWK besar,

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Unknown said...

Saya pak gunawan ingin berbagi komentar kepada anda,bahwa bagi anda yang punya permasalahan ekonomi atau terlilit hutang silahkan hub: 085-256-077-899 MBAH BUDI HARTONO,karna saya sendiri sudah melihat buktinya,saya di bantu pesugihan uang gaib sebesar 5 milyar,saya bisa sukses ini berkat bantuan MBAH,saya sudah bisa melunasi semua hutang2 orang tua saya,dan saya sangat bangga pada diri saya sendiri,karna sudah bisa meringankan beban orang tua saya,dan kini saya juga sudah bisa buka toko,itu semua atas bantuan MBAH BUDI HARTONO,inilah baru namanya paranormal karna memberikan hasil,sekali lagi makasih yaa MBAH,anda ingin mendapatkan pesugihan sama seperti saya,jangan takut ini aman tanpa tumbal,silahkan konsultasi sama beliau dengan cara tlpn atau buka website agar lebih di mengerti..


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