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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Nusa Dua Beach and the Story | Cultures of Denpasar

Nusa Dua Beach
One of the unique beach in Bali is the Nusa Dua beach. This beach has two separate reefs. Nusa dua beach are about 11 kilometers from Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport or about 14 kilometers from Kuta, you must bring your own vehicle or ride a vehicle transportation tours. Public transport does not pass this area.

Bali immemorial folklore says that the nusa dua beach is a waste beach to those who make mistakes in public. So as punishment, they were disposed to this beach and the beach is very barren of yore. They just eat from what they can on this beach. Then there were two knights who was also in the law on this beach.

Both of these knights fight on the beach is to seize power. But before the fight they put their yoke on the beach. After they fight, it turns out they have the same great capabilities. Until finally they decided to share power. Separator territory that is the stuff that they may put their yoke on the beach before the fight. That was the beginning of the beach nusa dua stories.

Nusa dua beach are very beautiful, clean, and the water was too calm, until the child - children can play on this beach leluarsa. On this beach there are many visitors who come while berkemping with family. Many also sell snacks on the beach and the price is very social.

Despite its white sand and gentle, before 1980, Nusa Dua beach is a beach that is not a destination travelers. At that time the beach is just filled with shrubs. Only after the Bali Tourism and Development Council, organize and develop this area, Nusa Dua tourist area into an elite and exclusive. All hotels in this area is a five-star hotel with room rental rates around U.S. $ 100-US $ 400 per night.

Along the coast of Nusa Dua, you can watch two very beautiful scenery. The first sights is the expanse of the Indian Ocean with a charming line of horizon. The second landscape is a row of luxury hotels are arranged neatly along the coast.

Nusa Dua Beach

Nusa Dua Beach

Nusa Dua Beach

Nusa Dua Beach

Nusa Dua Beach

Nusa Dua Beach


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