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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Canang Sari | Cultures of Denpasar

Canang Sari
Talk about Balinese culture, will never be separated from Hindu religion affiliation of the people of Bali. In a concept of Hinduism in preparing for worship facilities, which include: water, fire, flower, fruit, leaves. In Balinese culture, the concept is then practiced in the art form. One is the diversity of offerings.

Canang sari is the simplest form of offering yet categorized as a means to conduct the prayers. Canang sari itself meaningful: the offerings in the form of interest (the majority interest of its components). In the eight districts in Bali, diverse forms of canang juice. However, a popular form of canang sari sari is a rectangular canang.

Components canang sari :
- Leaf leaf as a base;
- Porosan (small form of dried coconut leaves containing white chalk);
- Slice bananas;
- One slice of sugarcane:
- Boreh miik (a kind of sweet-smelling powder);
- Kekiping (a type of sticky rice cakes are small and thin);
- On it laid flowers varied (generally in the form of colors: white, yellow, red, green);

Contents canang sari follow the rules set out in the palm. So, canang not extract taken from the Vedas, but the content of the Vedas which is then translated into a papyrus written by the ancestors in Bali.
Canang commonly used as an offering juice everyday. Whereas in the days of religious holidays, canang juice only used as a supplement only. In those days, the Balinese people wearing different kinds of offerings in the higher levels, the creation and rules it is much more complicated than cider canang.
Canang sari is very easy to get in the traditional markets in Bali. The price varied, but generally not too expensive. To Denpasar and surrounding areas, the price of 25 fruit juices canang pegged Rp 6,000 - Rp 7,000 rupiah. On certain days, especially on major feast days, having canang juice prices surge. Could reach Rp 9,000 - Rp 10,000 per 25 pieces.

Although simple, canang sari is very popular and needed in Bali. In addition, the canang are very beautiful saris and beautiful to look at. Moreover, added incense on it and sprayed the holy water, there is an aura of coolness that is emitted from the canang juice.

Canang Sari

Canang Sari

Canang Sari

Canang Sari

Canang Sari


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