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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Subak Museum | Cultures of Denpasar

Subak Museum
Subak Museum is located in Senggulan Village which is 2 km east of Tabanan town and about 4 km west of the intersection of the road to Kediri.

Subak Museum consists of two parts. There are main museums and open museums. In the museum there is a building or complex parent sacred with Padmasana, Bedugul, and others. And spatial layout of buildings adapted to the surrounding environment by sticking to the traditional development: Tri Mandala, Tri Kosali Anga and Asta Kosala. While the museum is open intangible "Mini Subak" is used as Subak demonstration activities, from irrigation systems to the activities of farmers in rice paddies.

Inside the complex there is exhibition space, audio visual room, study room, lodging facilities, libraries, offices and a miniature irrigation system. The museum was inaugurated former Governor of Bali, Prof Dr Ida Bagus Mantra dated October 13, 1981. Establishment of this museum digagasi by I Gusti Ketut Kaler, customs and religion expert who was serving the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office of Bali Province. He saw the need for traditional institutions Subak that seeks to preserve the cultural heritage of this nation since the XI century. The effort was finally realized.

Initially called "Subak Museum Heritage". This museum is a special museum of farming systems in distinctively Balinese independence on the basis eternal "Tri Hita Krana", the three causes of happiness (God, man and nature). With the development of science and technology, it is feared will also affect on the lives of Subak.
For that effort to preserve traditional Balinese Subak and equipment includes buildings of traditional farmhouse which follows the rules of construction of earth and Asta Asta Kosala-kosali, layout, layout according to tradition in Balinese society should be encouraged. In addition to rescue, digging, securing and maintaining a variety of objects related to Subak and presenting a variety of information, education and documentation about Subak, Subak was turned into an interesting tourist attraction.

Subak Museum

Subak Museum

Subak Museum

Subak Museum

Subak Museum


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