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Friday, November 4, 2011

Tampaksiring Palace | Cultures of Denpasar

Tampaksiring Palace
Tampaksiring palace is a palace built after Indonesia's independence, which is located in the village of Tampaksiring, District Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali.

Tampaksiring name comes from two words Balinese language, "tampak" and "siring", which means of the palms and sloping. That said, according to a legend recorded on lontar leaves Usana Bali, the name was derived from the former footprints of a king named Mayadenawa. This clever and powerful king, but unfortunately he have bad personality. He considers himself god and ordered his subjects to worship him. As a result of Mayadenawa personality, Batara Indra angry and sent his army. Mayadenawa ran away into the forest. In order to lose track of his pursuers, he walked by tilting the soles of his feet. That way he hopes his pursuers did not recognize the traces of her feet.

However, he finally can also be caught by his pursuers. Previously, with the magic, he can create a the poisoned springs which caused many deaths of the pursuers after they drank water from the springs. Then, Batara Indra created another spring as an antidote to the poisoned water which was then named "Tirta Empul" ("holy water"). Forest areas through which the King Mayadenawa by sloping walk, aand then well known by the name Tampaksiring.

The palace stands on the initiative of President Sukarno, who want the retreat place with cool weather and far away from the bustle of the city, suitable for the President of the Republic of Indonesia and their families as well as for state guests.

The architect was R.M. Soedarsono and the palace was built in stages. Tampaksiring Palace complex consists of four main buildings Wisma Merdeka area covering of ​​1,200 square meters and Pensions Yudhishthira covering 2,000 square meters and Function Room. Wisma Merdeka and Pensions Yudhishthira is the first building that was built in 1957. In 1963 all construction was completed with the establishment of Wisma Negara and Wisma Bima.

Tampaksiring Palace

Tampaksiring Palace

Tampaksiring Palace

Tampaksiring Palace

Tampaksiring Palace


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